The changing face of Van Schaik

30-09-2014 03:32:48 pm

Since Van Schaik Bookstore changed its logo in 2009 we started with the revamping and upgrading of our shops. With 60 shops countrywide it is a huge undertaking and has its challenges, but the end result is an overall better shopping experience for customers.

• All available space is used to full capacity
• Layout is much better and more comfortable
• It’s much easier to find products
• Displays can be used effectively
• The shop interior evolved as our product offering extended
• Our signage is now more visible so that you can locate our stores easier
• We installed more till points


We are continuously looking at ways how we can improve our service and by making our stores more convenient we contribute to customer satisfaction and service excellence.


All available space is used and with the new layout displays are used effectively for customers to find what they are looking for.